I don’t care what Wikipedia says, I choose to believe post-herpetic neuralgia is an anxiety disorder caused by that large lizard who stared me down in Belize. Originally leaked to the public a few months ago, yesterday TiVo and Core Medical began piloting video downloads for physicians. While the initial Healthcasts service relies on leasing air time and recording broadcasts for later playback, this pilot uses the same technology as CNET downloads to serve broadband-connected Series 2 units. In the long run, Internet distribution should be more efficient and economical for TiVo and Core Medical.
Core Medical Publishing, in partnership with Tivo, presents this medical education pilot activity, featuring TivoCast, a new way to receive information on your TV via broadband. Please view the following program and respond to the follow up survey that will be sent to you in one week. Thank you for participating in this pilot activity.
Did you managed to get signed up for it somehow?
What, I don’t look like a doctor? ;)