Never enough time…
- TiVo and do-it-yourself television. (CNET)
- $9.99/mo commercial-free BabyFirstTV debuts. (Associated Press)
- Apple FrontRow and QuickTime updated. (AppleInsider)
- Why the world doesn’t need Hi-Def DVD’s. (NY Times)
- EchoStar 1Q profit down on TiVo victory. (Business Week)
Re: Why the world doesn’t need Hi-Def DVD’s
I think David Pogue hits the nail on the head when he compares Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD not to VHS vs. Betamax, but to SA-CD vs. DVD-Audio. Traditional CDs won that battle, and I think plain DVDs will win this one.
At least until online distribution, which I don’t think will come as soon as some others are saying, but that’s another post . . .