DVR Disorder Detailed

I just stumbled across this cute little write up… which many of us can appreciate. The site does require registration, so here’s a convenient link to BugMeNot.

Arkansas Democrat says: In time, they start to forget things. Like what day their shows come on – after all, it’s not like they have to remember for themselves. Which leads to them forgetting what day it is – is today Monday? Or is it Tuesday? Eh, whatever, The Apprentice got recorded, so who really cares? Before long, the DVR Disorder-stricken grow utterly inattentive. They become so accustomed to being able to fly past uninteresting footage and rewinding and replaying scenes they weren’t focused enough to appreciate sufficiently the first time around that they begin zoning out in everyday life. They find themselves grabbing for nonexistent skip forward and skip back buttons on their car radios, spouses, church pews, children, conference room tables, sporting event seats and movie theater armrests.