Quoted In New York Times

Several weeks ago the NY Times contacted me… they were considering a TiVoToGo article if they could get enough info and locate a few real world examples. So I got the writer up to speed on TTG and put her in touch with some of my online TiVo buddies — and here we are! Fortunately, I abstained from a photo shoot, allowing them to find a more compelling subject.

NY Times says: Dave Zatz, a network engineer who lives in the Washington area, has used TiVoToGo software to switch television shows to a variety of devices: “I started on laptops, then PDA’s, DVD’s and phones,” he said. “I try them,” he said of his different electronic targets. “I play with them. I go on to the next gadget.”

To watch television shows away from home, he prefers his Dell Axim personal digital assistant, because of the picture quality, the long battery life and the many additional functions that the device offers; it costs about $300. Riding the Red Line on the Metro in Washington, for example, he has used his Axim to watch “Mind of Mencia,” recorded from the Comedy Central cable channel. Such entertainment makes a big difference to him during a commute in a crowded train with no place to sit, or to open a newspaper or magazine. “That’s dead time,” he said, “especially if you have to stand.”

Published by
Dave Zatz