Categories: DVR

DRM Coming To ReplayTV?

You know it’s inevitable… all content across all media will be locked down. ReplayTV is next up as their parent company is licensing encryption technology from Certicom. As Tivo To Go files are encrypted, so too shall ReplayTV’s. The race is on – will the DRM arrive before ReplayTV is sold off like Rio? I’m holding out hope the SlingBox folks will buy up and integrate ReplayTV. Without DRM.

CBC says: A growing need to protect digital content like music and films from pirates and hackers has created a major new opportunity for Certicom to sell encryption technology to electronics manufacturers, the firm’s CEO says. A recent contract with the Japanese firm that makes consumer electronics under the Denon, Marantz, McIntosh and ReplayTV brands is just the first of what will likely be a major new market for Certicom, Ian McKinnon told shareholders at the annual meeting Thursday.

Published by
Dave Zatz