Is Tebow Still on TiVo’s Payroll?


According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, occasional NFL starter Tim Tebow is still on TiVo’s payroll.

As Tebow answered questions, two executives with TiVo Inc. traveled from the company’s San Jose, Calif., headquarters to Beverly Hills to meet with representatives from William Morris Endeavor Entertainment […] to explore an endorsement agreement – one that Tebow and TiVo later consummated and have maintained since.

tivo-trumpAs with much TiVo marketing, I wasn’t impressed back in 2012 when they signed Tebow. However, while TiVo’s outreach remains suspect in 2015 (1, 2, 3), they do seem more targeted and I sure hope they’ve moved on from the Tebow randomness given what we expect has been a poor ROI (if their stagnant retail numbers are any indication).

6 thoughts on “Is Tebow Still on TiVo’s Payroll?”

  1. I think it is quite appropriate, actually. Their market innovation and growth resembles his NFL performance… :)

  2. I Gotz Lots of TEBOW signed Footballs ! :) I met him, a general nice stand up guy.. as a person he’s A-OK in my book

  3. I imagine he’s a nice guy and truly hopes he makes it in football … as his acting and TV hosting abilities aren’t very good. Not to mention I’m pulling for your signed ball retirement fund. ;)

  4. I always thought the whole point of hiring him was that his name, Tebow, rhymed with TiVo (TiVo always has a sense of humor), and not so much his appeal which is limited to rural donw-home parts of our country, so he may open doors there since TiVo seems to be more of a hip, techy product to the average Tim (Tebow).

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