Pandora & IHeartRadio Released on Blackberry


Two new (and free) music streaming apps have joined Slacker on the Blackberry this week. First up was was IHeartRadio, the Clear Channel service, which simulcasts over 150 regional radio stations. Various flavors of the Bold, Curve, and Pearl are supported, with Storm compatibility “coming soon.” Next, Pandora launched early this morning, streaming their well-known custom music matching stations or pre-seeded genres. Like, IHeartRadio, Blackberry Bolds, Curves, and Pearls are supported. As long as they’re not on T-Mobile. Which definitely limits my ability to give it a spin, given the TMo Curve 2/8900 in our household.

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14 thoughts on “Pandora & IHeartRadio Released on Blackberry”

  1. OK, scratch that. Visiting should allow you to download the app to support hardware. HOWEVER the 8900 has a different screen resolution which hasn’t be developed or tested for yet, so I won’t be able to download it. Ah well, Slacker it is!

  2. 8900 download doesn’t work.. there’s a java error of some sorts. I was gunna test and see if it was just a resolution problem but it won’t load anyways.

    will wait for some 8900 support!

  3. It also lets you download for the 8830 (Sprint), but then says that it is unsupported when you run the application.

    I guess it will be a waiting game….

  4. it does work on T-Mobile. Just goto pandoras website from your phones browser and download. Don’t know why they aren’t officially announcing support for T-mobile if it does work!

  5. Can anyone link the direct way to get the app on my blackberry? I can’t receive text messages and as a result can’t get the txt about how to do it.

  6. I was able to download iheartradio on my 8330 just fine. The problem I’m having is that I only get to listen for about 4-5 seconds and then it disconnects. I hope they can work out the bugs.

  7. I’m closing comments on this post due to a few (now deleted) instances of anonymous Clear Channel employee astroturfing – pumping their app, panning Pandora and Slacker. We love employee contributions, but taking anonymous jabs at competitors is uncool and unwelcome.

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