Enable Dual Shock 3 With Resistance Fall of Man

Grrr….. Why does Sony make simple things so complicated? I’ll start with the answer to the titular question. After firing up the PS3 with your new Dual Shock 3 (DS3) controller

  • start Resistance Fall of Man (RFoM)
  • choose “Multiplayerâ€?
  • choose “online gameâ€? – the following notice will appear:
    “An update to Resistance: Fall of Man is available. This update is required for online play. Download update?
  • choose ‘yes’
  • exit the game when the download is complete
  • start it up again.

You’ll finally have 10 year old technology in your sparkly new PS3 – yeah!!!

Who came up with this clever idea? How are people that want to play the single player campaign offline supposed to know this? Now for the back-story… Read the rest of this entry at The Daleisphere »

3 thoughts on “Enable Dual Shock 3 With Resistance Fall of Man”

  1. The reason is because the single player campaign mode is perfect and does not need any updates. So the game is not setup to look for updates when the game launches.

    It looks for updates when you go online, hense the steps needed to get the update.

    So if you want Rumble, go online to get the update. you don’t have to play the game online though.

  2. The fact that I needed the update to add the rumble means the single player campaign mode is not perfect. Indeed, as per my post, I stopped playing the game last year because it did NOT have rumble and only resumed playing it because rumble became available.

    The difference in game play is night and day. Playing shooters without rumble is like walking down the street naked – it just feels wrong!


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