Sony LocationFree TV Coming To Macs and Mobiles

Looks like Sling will be getting some more competition… Sony plans to expand it’s LocationFree TV streaming to include Macs and Windows Mobile devices.

Extreme Tech says: Sony Corp. said Tuesday that it licensed its Location-Free technology to Kaga Electronics, which will port the technology to the Mac OS X platform. “Location Free” allows content on supported platforms to be routed wirelessly, through Son’y LF-PK1 basestation, to other PCs, an LCD monitor or even its Sony PSP handheld. Customers will be able to enjoy “LocationFree” with Windows Mobile and cellular phones as well as Mac OS X(R) product, Sony added.

1 thought on “Sony LocationFree TV Coming To Macs and Mobiles”

  1. Hasn’t Sony been trying to argue that placeshifting illegal all along? Oh well if you can’t beat em might as well join them. I wonder when TiVo can implement placeshifting without worrying about being sued into the ground?

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