TiVoToGo On Your Mac

Want TiVoToGo on your Mac? Nearly two years after being released, TiVo, Inc may have failed to deliver but the hacker community has heeded our call. As of 12/05/06 the solution requires a little elbow grease and some command line action, but the difficulty level is reasonable until a polished app arrives in the near … Read more

TiVo By The Numbers, Part 1

Financial analysis isn’t something I’m prepared to tackle publicly, so I’ve brought in some muscle for a multi-part series on TiVo’s numbers. Obviously this is speculative in nature and just one stockholder’s interpretation of the limited information TiVo chooses to disclose. Your mileage may vary. -DZ

TiVo is an enigmatic company. While management peppers us with regular press releases hyping their latest deal or newest technology, it rarely provides the kind of information investors need to put a value on anything –- be it a new advertising relationship, distribution deal, or their own financial statements. This is the first article in a multi-part series in which we will engage in a bit of 8-K and 10-Q exegesis in an effort to understand what is really going on at TiVo. In this first installment, we will take a look at the value of TiVo’s subscribers (something CFO Steve Sordello specifically declined to do in the 3Q results call), and find some interesting details along the way.

To find the value of a sub, we’ll need a few pieces of information: how long does a TiVo subscriber remain a subscriber, how much does he pay, how much advertising revenue does he produce? Note that through most of this discussion we are referring to “TiVo-owned” subscribers, and not considering TiVo’s DirecTV subs as they have an economy all their own.

TiVo’s churn hangs around in the 0.9% to 1.0% range, but let’s use 1.0% since it is the most recent number we have. To find the lifetime of the average subscriber, we want to know how many months go by before half of a given body of subscribers has churned away. That is, we need to solve the equation:

  • 0.5 = (.99)N

The result is that the average subscriber lasts about 69 months. (This is actually quite a spectacular result. Consider that DirecTV’s churn is 1.8%, giving them an average sub lifetime of only 38 months.)

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TiVoToGo Reverse Engineered

I haven’t been following the Wiki lately, but it looks like TiVoToGo encryption has been cracked and a barebones (as in command line) conversion app is out. What does this mean? You don’t need TiVo Desktop software or a PC (!) to decrypt and playback TiVo shows. Had TiVo released Mac (and Linux) decryption and … Read more

Digital Media Bytes: TiVo Q3 Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Wall Street hits pause on TiVo: CNN Money Struggling TiVo insists the sun’ll come out tomorrow: USA Today TiVo beats expectations again: Forbes Earnings Call Transcript: Seeking Alpha Third quarter results press release: TiVo SEC 8-K summary: TiVo

TiVo Heads South Of The Border

Cablevision has entered into a relationship with TiVo to distribute Spanish-language DVRs to their Mexico City customers in the first half of 2007. No bundled hardware/service pricing details or technological specifics were given. (Which units? Will TiVo have an operations center in Mexico? Will TiVo software ultimately run on hardware Cablevision provides? etc.) When I … Read more

TiVo’s Unreleased Holiday Video

Turns out that video on our TiVo boxes promoting free (with subscription) Series 2 units isn’t the only holiday advertisement they shot… The elves had a little too much egg nog and busted out this Christmas rap while the camera was rolling.

TiVo Sells Ads After Recordings

We knew this was coming… In fact, Mari just covered a similar advertising service that will glue commercials onto Charter’s video-on-demand programming. TiVo’s “Program Placement” allows advertisers to buy slots for their commercials to play at the conclusion of a recorded program. This could be very lucrative for TiVo as it really creates a secondary … Read more