TiVo Awarded Patent For Password That Is So Hard To Guess It Will Outlive Your Hard Drive

TiVo’s dust up with Dish may get all of the ink love, but in reality, it represents a very small part of their patent portfolio. Between their trademark filings, their patent applications and their aggressive open market acquisitions, TiVo has managed to build a very impressive intellectual property portfolio around their technology. They haven’t always had the cash to defend this moat, but with damages from TiVo’s potential patent award against Dish, now up to $130 million 8) it could free up a lot of cash to go after other infringers, if Dish loses their appeal.

Some of TiVo’s patents have obvious applications and some of them are really held more for defensive purposes, but it’s the bizarre ones that I find most interesting and on Tuesday, TiVo was issued a patent for a method of locking down hard drives, that involves creating a password, that is so hard to guess, it would take longer than the expected life of your hard drive for someone to crack. According to the patent document, the method is described as the following.

An authentication system for securing information within a disk drive to be read and written to only by a specific host computer such that it is difficult or impossible to access the drive by any system other than a designated host is disclosed. While the invention is similar in intent to a password scheme, it significantly more secure. The invention thus provides a secure environment for important information stored within a disk drive. The information can only be accessed by a host if the host can respond to random challenges asked by the disk drive. The host’s responses are generated using a cryptography chip processing a specific algorithm. This technique allows the disk drive and the host to communicate using a coded security system where attempts to break the code and choose the correct password take longer to learn than the useful life of the disk drive itself.

At first the whole thing seems pretty silly to me, but when I think about it, I see two ways that TiVo could take this technology.

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Digital Media Bytes: Capitol Hill Edition

Mark Cuban, YouTube, TiVo, and Sling Media hit the Hill yesterday, chatting up the House Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee. Congress gets earful on net neutrality, CableCARD, YouTube: Ars Technica Congressman-Cam Debuts on YouTube: NewTeeVee Hill-icon Valley: Washington Post

Top 5 TiVo Hacks (for non-hackers)

1. 30 Second Skip

tivo-skip.jpgReplayTV offered the consumer friendly Commercial Advance feature, which probably contributed to their court woes and ultimate demise. Fortunately, TiVo provides a “secret” (shh, don’t tell) code for enabling a 30 second skip. Press the ->| button 4-5 times to quickly bypass most commercial interludes. It’s not quite as cool as Replay’s feature, but hey TiVo is still selling hardware.

TiVo Platforms:

  • Series1, Series2, Series3/HD, DirecTV


  • Play a TiVo recording
  • On your remote hit Select, Play, Select, 3, 0, Select
  • Live life commercial free

2. Expand Storage

drive.jpgOne of the easiest ways to increase the value of your TiVo is to enlarge your recording capacity by upgrading your internal hard drive with something a bit more roomy. You could do it yourself, but most folks will be most comfortable buying a prepped drive. You won’t find any bargains, but you’ll save yourself some time and energy.

TiVo Platforms:

  • Series1, Series2, Series3/HD, DirecTV


  • Visit DVRUpgrade
  • Find your TiVo model, select your capacity, enter your credit card info
  • Record every episode of Stargate and Stargate Atlantis

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Beginning TiVo Programming

A few months ago when no one was looking Kyle and John (of AudioFaucet fame) put out a TiVo HME book. Beginning TiVo Programming retails for $39.99, though Amazon has it under $27 and shipped free. Having toyed with the idea of a book and dismissing it due to the massive investment of time (versus … Read more

TiVo Antennae Giveaway

I don’t know if my TiVo really gets me (I’m so misunderstood), but if your TiVo does and you’d like to frighten your spouse or children with a pair of funky antennae just leave a comment. I’ll randomly pick a winner tomorrow.

Updated DVR GUIs On The Way

It’s pretty amazing when you stop to think that the TiVo interface has been around since the 90s, yet the ease of use coupled with some powerful functionality still hasn’t been matched in a set-top box. So I’m always interested in seeing what others are planning… Gemstar intends to release an updated personalizable My TV … Read more

Deal of the Day: eSATA Drives

Want to upgrade your TiVo Series3 with external storage? Me too. After a failed journey Micro Center yesterday, I started researching online deals for eSATA drives. In addition to finding a good price, my criteria also included 500GB drives that come enclosed and with an eSATA cable. So far I’ve found two decent deals worth … Read more