Digital Media Bytes

Stories Dave missed while he was away… AT&T launches HD Homezone service: EngadgetHD Microsoft’s IPTV Mediaroom Makeover: Ars Technica Proposed Amendment To Ban All DVD Copying: PC Mag AppleTV adds YouTube: AppleInsider Veoh TV as TiVo for the Internet: Business 2.0 Sirius Echo Home Repeater System now available: Orbitcast

What’s Up with Radio?

The argument I hear about television is that we’ll never move completely to a pay-per-program model because the vast majority of people like being able to sit mindlessly in front of a TV screen and channel surf. I agree because that theory has already so clearly played out in the radio world. As popular as … Read more

XM Down. 24hrs and Counting

XM is down. As in: Many (all?) subscribers are without radio. Sounds like XM pushed a software update which took one of their satellites offline. I suppose this could happen to anyone (like RIM), but right about now if I were still a XM customer I’d be pondering cancellation. Sirius probably is.

XM & Sirius To Merge (Maybe)

xm-sirius-merger.jpgThe rumors have been going on (and off) for a couple of years, so today’s XM/Sirius announcement doesn’t come as a huge shocker. They’re hoping to seal the deal by the end of the year. Though, we’ll see if regulators (and shareholders?) allow it to go through… HD Radio is advertising heavily here in the DC area (home of the FCC and Congress) which actually should help XM/Sirius make the argument that they aren’t competing against each other, but rather they are competing against AM, FM, and now HD… plus Internet radio.

While a joint satellite radio company should be able to share a variety of expenses and thus cut costs, they also get to share debt and the challenge of attracting and retaining subscribers. If the merger comes to pass, current Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin will run the company with Howard Stern as CFO.

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FM Strikes Back

Turns out FM isn’t dead after all… The Nokia N800 Internet tablet has a hidden FM receiver, while the forthcoming Motorola SLVR L9 FM allegiance is a bit more public. I actually dropped XM a few months ago when the amount of commercials seemed to increase and my niche stations were expanded to appeal to … Read more

Digital Media Bytes: Satellite Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… There’s only so much one can see and do at CES. Sadly, I missed out on catching the satellite TV and radio announcements up close and personal. Sirius unveils Backseat TV: Orbitcast DirecTV announces Sat-Go portable satellite TV system: Engadget VIP622 HD DVR introduced at Echostar press conference: LiveDigitally … Read more

Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… Netflix Previews signal upcoming download service: Hacking Netflix Microsoft patents DVR targeted advertising: Engadget Delphi SkyFi3 reviewed: Orbitcast 12 days of Sling Media giveaways: Sling Community