Blu-ray Managed Copy Discussed

You may have heard recently that Blu-ray has plans to get managed copy – the ability to make a copy of your Blu-ray Disc within limits as defined by the studios.  That’s a great step in the right direction, but there are many negatives to the way it will be implemented. Ben Drawbaugh at EngadgetHD … Read more

Digital Media Bytes: Last100 Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our friends at Last100: Does the world need another video sharing site? Pure Digital (Flip) thinks so CISCO-owned Pure Digital, makers of point and shoot camcorders such as the Flip Mino HD, have launched their own video sharing site dubbed Pirate Bay offering file sharers their own … Read more

Media Center Digital Transition Issues

You’d think those using HTPCs for their TV recording and viewing would be the least likely to be affected by the Digital Transition last week, but you’d be wrong.  Many HTPC users (mostly Microsoft Media Center users) that rely on over-the-air (OTA) TV broadcasts for their TV signal have been experiencing major issues with incorrect … Read more

DISH Researching Hostile TiVo Takeover?

It’s been several years since TiVo initiated their patent lawsuit against DISH Network, but we’re finally reaching the endgame of what has been an epic chess match between the two companies. Between the he said/she said arguments that have played out in the press to the endless legal maneuvers by both camps, it has been … Read more

Pirate Party enters EU parliament

An update to my previous post about the Swedish Pirate Party growing after the Pirate Bay verdict. The voting results has the Pirate Party winning roughly 7% of the votes in Sweden, which will allow them to gain 2 seats in the upcoming EU parliament. According to reports from Sweden, the party did quite well … Read more

Fly Clear & Managing Your Digital Identity


Over the years I’ve been a pretty regular, if not “frequent”, traveler – business, pleasure, and blog. (I always fly coach but usually “upgrade” to exit row seating for a fee – which I expect to be fully refunded in the event I’m called upon to evacuate the plane.) When I learned of the Clear card program, enabling one to zip through airport security as pre-screened flier, I started weighing the options.

The annual fee (now up to $199) was an initial deterrent. But time is valuable and I’m impatient, ultimately figuring I’d recoup that expense if saving even just ten minutes at each airport security checkpoint.

The bigger issue was giving up my digital identity. The Clear program scans and archives all fingerprints and both irises, which are mated with your personal information. When I began the registration process, I was under the impression I was dealing with a government initiative (which would be rolled out to all major US airports). As it turns out, Clear is a TSA-blessed private sector company/program (that must negotiate space/service in each airport). I’m not sure if that made me more or less comfortable. But it is what it is and we all have our price. So I reluctantly allowed my biometric markers to be recorded in order to save a few minutes.

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Digital Media Bytes

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our other blogs: Sony E3 2009 Press Conference Summary The press conference and list of PS3 exclusives shown were better than expected. I’d put it on par with the Microsoft press conference. I was impressed with Sony’s marrying of a motion controller with high-end graphics. Though, as with … Read more

Where Have All the FX Shows Gone?

Gone from Hulu “every one” isn’t a fair characterization*, but it seems FX has gotten a bit stingy in streaming full TV episodes. There was a small note in a recent GigaOM Pro report (yes, I subscribe) stating that FX removed three seasons worth of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia from Hulu in the first … Read more