Google Buys YouTube, Advertisers Rejoice

I have no idea what $1.65 billion looks like, but YouTube‘s gonna find out with a ton of Google stock. Based on initial coverage, it appears Google Video and YouTube will maintain distinct identities… other than the inevitable AdWords wallpapering. This acquisition might be a good opportunity to clean up the clutter — let’s relocate … Read more

CableLabs Studies Multiroom Viewing, Not TiVoToGo

As I’ve mentioned previously, TiVo’s new Series3 model does not offer TiVoToGo (TTG), Multiroom Viewing (MRV), or external storage due to the CableLabs certification process. Now we seem to have received confirmation that the group is evaluating MRV functionality, though TiVo has not yet approached them about TiVoToGo. I can’t say I’m surprised — I … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Orb 2.0 public beta available. (jkOnTheRun) Dave quizzes Motorola exec on OCAP. (PVRWire) EvokeTV bites the dust. (GigaOM) Moxi picks up three DVR UI patents. (Press Release) DirecTV, HDTV, and the resolution question. (Missing Remote)

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… CNET prefers HAVA specs over Slingbox? (CNET) Akimbo’s new box with Movielink shipping soon. (PVRWire) Apple Nano alternatives. (NYTimes) Real Rhapsody 4.0 released. (Engadget) Comcast online music and video store launching this month? (Gizmodo)

MySpace Hosts Fox Television Programming

Let me start by saying I don’t get MySpace. Maybe I’m too old or maybe I’m just antisocial, but I haven’t found a use for it (other than the requisite ‘keeping-tabs-on-exes’). In fact, seeing some of the stuff (risqué photos, confidential work details, etc) a few younger coworkers have publicly revealed alarms me. Despite me … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Dish DVRs can continue to operate during appeal of TiVo win. (Davis Freeberg) DirecTV HR20 receives positive review. (CNET) Does Slingbox Pro really do HD? (EngadgetHD) Apple upscaling video instead of re-encoding? (Engadget)

The EFF Is Angry, Wants TiVoToGo On S3

So you may have read (or experienced) that TiVoToGo, Multi-room Viewing, and external hard drive storage features are not active on the Series3. As I wrote over on Engadget, TiVo requires CableLabs (the CableCARD people) certification — and they are particularly sensitive to content owner rights. I assume TiVo submitted the S3 without these features … Read more

Interesting News Dave Hasn’t Covered

Never enough time… Custon BeyondTV GUI created for Hauppauge media extender. (SnapStream) SageTV looks for Mac beta volunteers. (PVRWire) AT&T’s U-verse going high def soon? (EngadgetHD) Sony creates choose-your-ending TiVo ad. (Engadget)