Pre Impressions from a Palm Fanboy


After picking up Palm’s new Pre smartphone on launch day roughly a week ago (and spending over six hours to do so), I thought it’d be fun to run through some early thoughts on the device given my long history with Sprint and Palm products. (I worked on Sprint’s PR team for nearly a decade, leaving in 2004.)

I’ll unabashedly admit that I’m a Palm fanboy dating back to the standalone PDA days. Over the past eight or so years I have owned a Palm Pilot, a Handspring Visor, the Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700P and ending with the Treo 800w. I still remember how exciting my first Treo was, how cutting edge at the time. Over the years, however, it seemed that Palm simply was going through the motions as it sat back and produced me-too hardware while ceding real innovation to Apple, Google, RIM and others.

The Pre has certainly changed all that, and has brought sexy back to Palm, something they haven’t really had since the 600 or 650. Overall it’s a fantastic device, but there are some kinks that need to be worked out and some nits that I personally have – my hope is that Palm will take its cue from Apple and push out updates and fixes on a very, very regular basis.


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Pirate Party enters EU parliament

An update to my previous post about the Swedish Pirate Party growing after the Pirate Bay verdict. The voting results has the Pirate Party winning roughly 7% of the votes in Sweden, which will allow them to gain 2 seats in the upcoming EU parliament. According to reports from Sweden, the party did quite well … Read more

Video recording on G1 (Cupcake update)

Photo by bookgrl After a few delays, the 1.5 (Cupcake) update for the Android G1 phone from T-Mobile has arrived. Impatient as I am, I followed the instructions from the AndroidGuys and forced my phone to update, although I think I only gained about 12 hours ultimately. In any case, it’s a big step forward … Read more

MKV on JVC Blu-ray Player

The fight for dominance in the living room continues apace, with a large number of contenders and no clear cut leader at the moment. Everybody wants their device to be the central hub for delivering content, both local and Internet-based to the masses on their couches. The major players remain: Cable Set-Top-Boxes Gaming systems (PS3, … Read more

Pirates to be strung up! (but probably not)

Being many, many timezones away from Stockholm (and having been woefully behind in blogging in general) makes anything I have to say about the guilty verdict for the Piratebay admins rather old news, but I will just reiterate my previous prediction that nothing substantive will change in the P2P or filesharing world. Most likely appeals … Read more

New Windows 7 Codec Support Rumblings

Following up my previous integrated Windows 7 codec support coverage, I saw from Volker Zota at heise that some new developments in the Windows 7 betas have come to light. According to the investigative work of an ffdshow developer, as reported to Dan “BetaBoy” Marlin of CoreCodec, the latest beta of Windows 7 blocks the … Read more

Video on T-Mobile’s Android G1

As a follow up to my previous T-Mobile G1 (Google) Android phone coverage, I wanted to gather information about the handset’s video capabilities. I haven’t found detailed G1 video specifications – proving somewhat frustrating to those interested in using it as a portable viewing device. At the basic level, the G1 can decode the h.264 … Read more

Piracy, Streaming & “What Works” for Online Video

Both the New York Times and The Economist recently published articles examining online video. Brian Stelter and Brad Stone in the NYTimes talked to the MPAA, Eric Garland of Big Champagne and the owner of the streaming site SuperNova Tube; the authors conclude that the pirates are “winning” the battle against the studios. The Economist instead … Read more