New to Google checkout? There’s a great deal still going on at Spend at least $10 and sign up for a Google checkout account to get $10 off. The best part? If you buy something that is exactly $10, like this Kingston 1GB USB flash drive, it’s completely free!
There is one catch – you may have to pay taxes or shipping, dependent on region. Word is a California resident was only charged $.72 cents, but in PA I got hit with $6.29. Ah well, maybe your state is one of the cheap ones.
(Thanks, K.C.!)
Nice find! Shipping to Houston appears to be free, with no sales tax either (odd, waiting for something to appear on my credit card online)
Order #xxxxxxxx
Placed Wednesday, October 31, 2007. If your order requires shipment, we will send you an email as soon as those items ship.
sku: 202743517
description: Kingston 1GB Data Traveler USB 2.0 Flash Drive
qty: 1
unit price: $10.00
item total: $10.00
Subtotal: $10.00
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Tax: $0.00
TOTAL: $10.00
No tax or shipping to IL. Thanks Dave and K.C!
It works! Just placed an order for the same thing and no tax, no shipping. Sweet idea for a stocking stuffer. Thanks!
We are writing to let you know that we are experiencing a delay in being able to fulfill one or more items on your order #xxxxxxxx. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you.
The item(s) affected by this backorder notification are:
Order #xxxxxxxx
sku: 202743517
description: Kingston 1GB Data Traveler USB 2.0 Flash Drive
qty: 1
Sort of a bummer, but not surprising.
Joe- I got the same email. Hopefully the delay won’t last. Pour Kingston – kind of like the shopping equivalent of getting slashdotted.