AT&T Launches U-verse Mobile 2.0 iPhone App

AT&T has launched a new version of its U-verse app for iPhone users. It’s designed to let AT&T U-verse customers schedule recordings on the go — and download and watch some TV content on their mobile phone. AT&T says this makes the company the first TV provider with a mobile app that doesn’t just let you manage your DVR, but which also lets you watch TV shows.

The new app is called U-verse Mobile, and it repalces AT&T’s older Mobile Remote Access app for the iPhone. The DVR scheduling capability is available to all U-verse TV customers, but you’ll need to sign up for a U300 or U450 subscription plan if you want to be able to download videos using the mobile app.

Word on the street is that U-verse Mobile will eventually be available for BlackBerry 6 and Windows Phone 7. But there’s no word yet on an Android version.

You can download the Free U-Verse Mobile app for the iOS from the App Store.

This post republished from Mobiputing.

7 thoughts on “AT&T Launches U-verse Mobile 2.0 iPhone App”

  1. Yup, the downloading is the most interesting part. Kind of assume its only supported for certain channels or assets which have agreed to allow such things? And maybe not even accessed from my recordings which would have to be transcoded, but probably from a central repository?

    If you figure out how they’re doing it, I’d be interested…

  2. It’s clear that AT&T is only wanting to give this feature to their most profitable customers. You have to be on a certain TV plan (1st or 2nd most expensive of the 4 or 5 they offer). Okay, that make sense.

    However, you cannot stream videos on an iPod Touch or iPad — only an iPhone. Why? If you have an iPhone and you are a U-verse subscriber, you are most likely an AT&T wireless customer as well. (Go carrier exclusivity.)

    You can’t stream the video of 3G, it has to be over Wi-Fi. There is no technical reason why you have to be on an iPhone to stream the content….

  3. I’m with Joe; it ticks me off to no end that it’s only for iPhone (esp. since it’s Wi-Fi only). Would be pretty sweet streaming to Touch using iSpot :)

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