Categories: AppleAudioCategories

How To Sync Zune HD With Mac OS X

Microsoft has a tool for synchronizing media between a Mac and a Windows Phone 7 device. But for some reason there’s no official tool for doing the same thing with a Zune media player — even though the Zune platform has been around longer than Windows Phone 7. The folks at ZuneBoards have figured out something interesting though: You can use the Windows Phone 7 Connector app for Mac to sync with a Zune or Zune HD media player.

In order to get it to work properly you’ll need to tweak some settings. First you download and run the connector once to create a preference file. Then you have to open a terminal window and enter a command. Once you’re done, you should be able to sync media between a Zune and a Mac computer.

For complete details, check out the thread on ZuneBoards.

This post republished from Mobiputing.

Published by
Brad Linder