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Xmarks Plugin Now Available for Android Dolphin Browser

Xmarks is a cross-platform bookmark synchronization service that lets you make sure you ensure you have the same bookmarks on your home and work PC. It supports Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. The basic service is free, but for $12 per year you can upgrade to a Pro account which also lets you use the company’s mobile apps for iOS and Android. The latest iPhone app basically syncs your bookmarks with a standalone browser which is kind of clunky to use, while the Android app syncs your bookmarks with the Android browser. But the developers have just released a new plugin for the Dolphin HD browser which lets you sync your bookmarks with that app instead.

A few weeks ago password management service LastPass announced it had acquired Xmarks, which makes the release a Dolphin HD plugin kind of a no-brainer. LastPass already offers a password management plugin for the browser.

In order to use the Xmarks plugin, download and install the app from the Android Market and then fire up the Dolphin HD browser on your phone. Read the rest of this entry »

Published by
Brad Linder