Stream Media from PC to iPhone with ZumoCast

Zumocast is a new app from the folks behind the ZumoDrive online storage service. While ZumoDrive is designed to let you quickly and easily upload files to the web and access them from any computer as if they were local files, Zumocast is kind of the opposite. You set up the ZumoCast server software on your computer and then you can use the company’s iPhone or iPad software to stream files directly from your PC to your mobile device without uploading them to the cloud first.

The app is incredibly easy to use. Just download and install the ZumoCast desktop software and sign up for a free account. It will automatically look for files in the places they’re most likely to be (such as the My Documents folder if you’re using Windows, although the software is also available for Mac). You can also manually add any folder on your computer to ZumoCast just by right-clicking on it and selecting Add to ZumoCast from the context menu. Read the rest of this entry »

Published by
Brad Linder