3D on Android Phones! Sorta…

I’m always looking for new games on my Android phone. Right now I’m addicted to a simple word app called Target and still waiting for an Android version of Jewel Quest. However, a 3D gem popped up the other night while I was surfing through the marketplace. Remember those old Magic Eye pictures? Magic Eye was a short-lived fad back in the nineties, and even made it big enough for an iconic reference in the Kevin Smith flick Mall Rats. If you didn’t catch Magic Eye stereograms back in the day, there’s now an Android app for that.

There’s a free Magic Eye app available for Android with six trial pictures, and a pro version for 99 cents with 102 pics. Stare long enough and hard enough, and you’ll see the hidden 3D image behind the chaos of colors and shapes. Perhaps most importantly, the new apps give you tips on how to see the hidden 3D images. If you gave up on Magic Eye last decade, maybe it’s time to try it again. And if you’re really a glutton for punishment, Download Squad discovered a Magic Eye Tetris game last fall. Haven’t seen it on Android yet, but surely it won’t be long.

Don’t have an Android device? No worries. Magic Eye is available for the iPhone too.

Published by
Mari Silbey