Verizon Upgrade Tip

Verizon Droid Motorola

Looking to upgrade your Verizon phone, but fear paying full price? There’s good news. First off, even if you signed a two-year contract to get your last phone, you’re eligible to upgrade after only a year. That means that instead of purchasing a full-price Droid, for example, you can get the subsidized price if you’re willing to sign another two-year contract. (Phones are even cheaper if you’re upgrading after the full two years.) Secondly, that one-year upgrade time? Turns out it’s negotiable. If you’re close to the one-year mark, at least some Verizon wireless retailers are willing to push up the upgrade date. Getting a new phone a month early may not sound like a big deal, but if an upgrade purchase figures into your holiday shopping plans, it may be just what you need to finish off your list. Just keep in mind, if you sign up for two more years with Verizon, you’d better be sure you want to stick around that long. Early termination fees have gone through the roof.

Full Disclosure: I work for Motorola (which makes the Droid), but not the mobile phone division.

6 thoughts on “Verizon Upgrade Tip”

  1. I upgrade every year or before. They have always given me 2-year pricing. Even after upgrading to the droid I’m still getting emails and letters in the mail to upgrade. It seems that with Verizon if you’re a long time customer with a good record they are willing to keep giving you the latest phones.

  2. DROID is $89.99 a month on Verizon. So, $89.99 x 24 is $2,159.76 over the life of the contract, excluding tax ( and assumes no nasty overage fees )

    Cricket Wireless unlimited talk, text and *web* is $40 a month, for a total of $960 over smae two year period ( no contracts with Cricket! )…

    Savings by switching to Cricket is $1,199.76, enough to ETF out three times over.

  3. plus. cricket has no service where I live and verizon is everywhere. cant beat that. Now if I could just get the stupid droid x or 2 for free upgrade I would jump at the chance to sign up for two more years.

  4. Here’s the problem though, I’ve been a verizon customer for over a year, I want a droid but…THEY WON’T let me upgrade and we have a good record! I have to wait 18 months, instead I’ll buy a phone off a private seller cause verizon screwed me over :l

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