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Birthday Tech – Mari Gets a Slacker Player!

I officially entered old age last week (though that might be a slight exaggeration…). But on the bright side I got a lot of great birthday greetings and gadget gifts.

Messages came in over Facebook, via text, voicemail, e-cards, and (my favorite) via a Flip video – from my old office colleagues wishing me a happy birthday, and it was a perfect snapshot of what goes on in that den of iniquity every day.

As far as presents go, I got an Eye-Fi (Dave digs it and something I’ll write about when I get it out of the box), a digital photo frame (not one I’ve reviewed yet, so I’ll let you know), and the new Slacker portable device! The Slacker radio isn’t actually here yet, but it should be arriving any day. Dave thinks the Slacker business model has a rough road ahead, but if the player works as well as it’s supposed to, I’ll definitely be one one of the ones pulling for their success.

More to come as the presents are fully unwrapped.

Published by
Mari Silbey