Categories: IndustrySmart Home

FiOS Doesn’t Cause Fires

Yes, we’re all pyromaniacs at heart. First there were the exclusive new pics of AT&T’s fiber node blow-up, and now there’s a Verizon story of a FiOS installer possibly starting a fire when he drilled through an electrical main. Fire or no, Verizon has a great post up on its policy blog addressing the issue and explaining what Verizon did to make amends. (Some people think the post was a bad idea. I disagree.)

One critical detail: “Importantly, the incident has little to do with Verizon’s fiber or FiOS technology. This was the sort of accident that could happen during a lot of household projects like building a deck or installing a dryer vent hose.”

This is why I avoid household projects.

Published by
Mari Silbey