Categories: TiVo

Would You Give Up TiVo For Your Air Conditioner?

TiVo’s remote can do a lot of great things, but apparently Brainfreiz’s remote, includes a little too much functionality. The good news is that he’s able to control his new air conditioner with his TiVo remote. No special hacks, it came out of the box like that. The bad news is, everytime he hits the select button, he turns his air conditioner on and off.

I can understand why this would be annoying and hopefully, someone out there knows how to solve his problem, but in the meantime, he is asking for America’s help on deciding whether he should ditch the air conditioner or say goodbye to TiVo. If it was up to me, I’d choose a hot apartment with TiVo, over a climate controlled life without, but as a TiVo enthusiast, I’m probably a little biased. Air conditioning is a nice luxury, but is it nicer than TiVo? If you were forced to choose between the sweltering heat or having to watch live TV with commercials, which one would be unplugged in your household?

Davis Freeberg is a technology enthusiast living in the Bay Area. He enjoys writing about movies, music, and the impact that digital technology is having on traditional media. You can read more of his musings at Davis is a TiVo stockholder.

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Davis Freeberg