If you watched the Super Bowl last night, chances are you tuned in for and even repeat-viewed some of the commercials. It’s the one time of year when couch potatoes actually want to watch ads, and TiVo capitalized on the phenomenon by making certain commercials download-able for enthusiastic fans.

TiVo also put out a list of the top ten most-watched Super Bowl ads. Truth be told, I only remember two of the ones listed below (“Rock Paper Scissors” and “Mouse”), but then again, I was at a loud party that required leaving the TV room for actual conversation and access to munchies.  Note: Gizmodo also has a list of top Super Bowl spots and includes embedded video of the chosen few, er, 15.  Check out the Gizmodo post here.

Top Ten

1. Bud Light: Language Course with Carlos Mencia

2. Bud Light: Rock Paper Scissors

3. FedEx: Don’t Judge

4. Nationwide: Kevin Federline Rollin’ VIP

5. Doritos Crash the Super Bowl

6. CareerBuilder: Office Jungle

7. Blockbuster: Mouse

8. Doritos Crash The Super Bowl: Checkout Girl

9. Chevrolet: Everybody Loves a Chevy

10. Schick: Quarto Science

Given its new ad agency, maybe next year TiVo will have its own Super Bowl commercial?

Published by
Mari Silbey