Snickers? M&Ms? iPods?

I walked into Macy’s yesterday, and what did I stumble upon? Men’s suits on my left, and hey! It’s an iPod vending machine on my right! In truth I didn’t see the iPods until I was leaving the store, though I can’t imagine how I managed to miss them the first time around. Unfortunately I was running late and didn’t have time to examine the iPod choices carefully, but I did get to snap a few pics with my mobile phone.

Note: This Macy’s is located in one of the largest malls in America, so I can’t guarantee that if you stop in at your local store you’ll get the same treat.

What does this shiny display make you wonder? Well, will anyone buy an iPod out of a vending machine? A few years ago you couldn’t lay hands on an iPod in November if you visited every retail store in the area. Now, they’re the CE equivalent to Snickers bars. Except they still require plastic and not that spare change in your pocket.

Personally, I’d buy an iPod out of a vending machine. (It’s just so easy!) But Dave Z. disagrees. And I have to admit, I was by far the most interested passerby at Macy’s today.

Published by
Mari Silbey