Hack Thyself

Like Chipotle and Honda before them… “Jessica Jones” took over Netflix’s Twitter account today. I can’t remember which guy I was with at midnight. Jack, Jim or Johnny. -JJ #whiskeyandchill — Netflix US (@netflix) January 1, 2016 Why the crap does National Hangover Day happen on a day when everything’s closed? -JJ — Netflix US (@netflix) … Read more

Superbowl Advertising On Twitter: It's All Gibberish

In an industry where any publicity trumps questionable publicity, several brands have leveraged Twitter to draw attention to themselves via apparent mistakes. It’s a low risk, high reward approach that got going last summer when Chipotle faked a Twitter hack. The costs of sending a tweet, versus shooting and placing a Super Bowl commercial, are insignificant. And many members of the social network seem to enjoy calling out and retweeting the “drunk” 140 character missives. But as an old fuddy duddy with an apparently rusty funny bone, the attempted manipulation and misdirection is too much to overcome, leading me to purge most “brands” I follow on Twitter.

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What Are TiVo's Social Intentions?

Let’s face it, most social apps and interaction on television platforms are tedious silos… including TiVo’s very own Twitter app that launched on Virgin Media in 2011. However, TiVo CEO Tom Rogers has communicated that family and friends will “soon” be able to share viewing recommendations. And we wonder if, instead of managing this through a … Read more