Categories: TiVo

TiVo Gifts Slide Pro Remotes. Amazon Instant Update Nearly Here?

TiVo’s minor spring software update was plagued by a few issues, including an inadvertent software rollback affecting ~200 DVRs and potentially resulting in some tedious cleanup. Well, kudos to TiVo for voluntarily squaring things with those subscribers.

Due to an operational issue, some TiVo boxes were inadvertently sent an old version of software which may have changed your channel lineup, your “To Do List“, and your “My Shows“ list. We have since mapped the correct software version to your DVR but you may still have to reconfigure your channel lineup, To Do List, and My Shows settings. As an apology for the inconvenience, TiVo is sending you a complimentary Slide Pro remote, free of charge.

In other TiVo software update news, it sure looks like the company is preparing to replace their ancient Amazon Instant experience with something a bit more modern… and unsuitable for the SDUI. Prime, please?

A change is being made to your Premiere Series DVR that we want to make you aware of. Soon the Amazon Instant Video application will be removed from standard definition (SD) menus on your DVR and going forward will it will only be available in high definition (HD) menus.

(Thanks Sam, Barrett, and Andrew!)

Published by
Dave Zatz